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Chair at Sea (for Mike Kelley), 2016 Pencil on paper, 22" x 27"

R H  2014-15, collage on paper, 11" x 16"


Super 8  2001, watercolor/ink/charcoal on paper, each 11" x 16"

Faces in the Grain  1993,Graphite on paper

The same image of birds-eye maple drawn twice with added features of faces


1986, Charcoal on paper, 11" x 16" Called "backgrounds" since they have no subject—inspired by James Welling's photography at the time.

Installation view, Piezo Electric Gallery 1986. Approximately 70 drawings.

Spirals 1988, Charcoal on paper, 22" x 22" 

1980s Drawings

Dad, 1980s charcoal on paper 24" x 30"

The Cook, 1980s, charcoal on paper 24" x 30"

A Filthy Woman, 1980s, charcoal on paper 30" x 40"

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